
Book Group: Do join the St Mary’s Reading Group at 6pm on Sunday 21st April in church. The book being discussed is The Spire by William Golding.

Christian Aid Week: The collection on Sunday 12th May will go to Christian Aid to help support all the good work they do.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting, 28th April: The Vestry Meeting to elect churchwardens and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place in church on Sunday 28th April, following the 10:30am service. Anyone on the church electoral roll is eligible to vote at the meeting. If you are unsure if you are on the electoral roll, please contact the Parish Office.

Pentecost Picnic, 19th May: Join us for a parish picnic on Primrose Hill after the 10:30am service on Sunday 19th May. Bring your picnic and maybe something to share. If the rain decides to join us we will have an indoor picnic inside church. We look forward to seeing you there! Don’t forget to wear red for Pentecost. Teddy bears welcome.

Parish Magazine: We are keen to restart the Parish Magazine, which has been in hibernation for several years. We’re hoping to do a pilot issue in June. If there is something you would like to contribute, please email it to the office by 19th May, with the subject heading “Parish Magazine”.

Camden Foodbank: have sent their thanks to St Mary’s for all the donations we have provided over the winter; it has made a material difference to local people and is very much appreciated. Camden Foodbank is struggling to support the demand of local adults and children who do not have enough money to buy food. When local people in food hunger go to Camden Foodbank it is because they have no where else to go to get food to eat; Camden Foodbank provides them with emergency food parcels, which contain a variety of food and toiletries. They have launched an urgent Easter appeal and we have a donation drop off point at the back of church. Times are tough for many right now, but anything you can spare will make such a difference to those facing food poverty.

What’s On..

Gareth the Gargoyle’s Jovial Jaunts

Hello St Mary’s! My name, as you may have guessed, is Gareth, and I’m a gargoyle.

On Easter Sunday I was passing overhead on my way up north to York Minster to have a lovely Easter lunch with some old pals. Flying over London in the early morning is always a treat, the city is quiet, the foxes stop to chat, and the sunrise is stunning. I’m not usually a huge fan at getting up early mind; I like to burrow down in blankets (And yes gargoyles have blankets. You can never have too many blankets I think.) But I can manage once to twice a year, especially if it means seeing old friends, or if its Easter. Anyhow, I was flying over on Easter Sunday and I saw your Easter Fire. At first I panicked. I thought your church was on fire! I was all prepared to raise the alarm when I realized what was going on. I saw the folks in all their robes and all the wee little candles everyone was holding. The smoke from the silver swingy thing didn’t help my panic, but it did help me stay concealed and I quite like the smell. I hope you don’t mind, but I stayed for the rest of the service. I spent most of it up in the rafters, but sometimes I’d move for a better view (hope I didn’t block any of the live streaming cameras…). I was very jealous of your breakfast afterward. Cause I’d started off so early, my tummy was starting to rumble (my Easter chocolate was waiting for me up north so I couldn’t snack on it). It took a lot of self-restraint to not do a sneeky swipe of an egg and some toast. But I had my Easter lunch ahead of me, and York is a long way, so off I went, slightly sorry to leave.

But I’ve come back to St Mary’s. I hope that’s alright. I snuck in last Sunday too; there wasn’t much choir, just one chap and an organ, but you all sang very well.  I’ve spent my of my life wondering between churches and cathedrals, but I was hoping you would let me stay here for a while? You all seem quite nice and there’s a lot going on, and there usually a snack and a cuppa too which I can never say no to.


Ta-ta my new friends. Till next time. – G.